Wednesday 1 February 2012

We sing a song to Brigid...

...Brigid brings the spring! Awakens all the fields and the flowers, and calls the birds to sing :)

For those of us who went to St. Brigid's National School, that song was our anthem! And I'm very proud that I still remember all the words :P

For those of you who don't know of Saint Brigid, she is the patron saint of Kildare, and today -the first of February- is her feast day. A big tradition on Saint Brigid's day is to make a Saint Brigid's cross from rushes. I haven't made one in years and I probably forget how to, but this morning at break time I saw a few TYs making them.

source -

During our religion classes we've been painting and decorating the meditation room for Saint Brigid's Day. We painted a round tower with a timeline of St. Brigid's life, and her famous cloak which supposedly grew and gew when she lay it on the ground. According to the legend, Brigid wanted to build a covenant but some man would only give her as much land as her cloak covered.

"She lay her cloak down on the ground, and watched it grow and grow. In wells and streams and fields of green, Saint Brigid's blessing flows" - see? I know ALL the words ^_^
My part in designing the meditation room was bringing in the straw for around the well we're having. But I forgot it this morning (surprise surprise) but luckily my mam dropped it into reception, so when this class is over I'm going to go down and collect it 8)

There's going to be a prayer service in the meditation room today at lunch time, so everyone will get to see our masterpiece :D

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